Welcome to DMN Modular Netgame site
What is: (top)
DMN Modular Netgame is a videogame based on a classic Spanish game:
"Dominó". The domino is a board game where two o four people can play,
one player vs. other or two partners vs. other two. The player who runs
out of dominoes wins. For more information consult the rules and their
varieties at the
Internacional Federation
(spanish) or at
For more information visit DMN's SourceForge Web.
Download: (top)
The present version of DMN is in a very initial phase of development: without network nor graphical display. In future versions we hope to implement these characteristics.
Documentation: (top)
DMN API Documentation
Who we are: (top)
The main programmers are:
Links: (top)
- Domino Internacional Federation (spanish):
- Spanish delegation info (spanish):
- World Championship of Domino:
- World Tournament of Domino:
- Basic Domino Rules:
Contact us: (top)
Please use the Mailing Lists to contact us.