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dmn::ConfigFile Class Reference

Parse a configuration file in XML format. More...

#include <configfile.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ConfigFile ()

std::string config ()
 Path to the Config module.

std::string core ()
 Path to the Core module.

std::string display ()
 Path to the Display module.

std::string sound ()
 Path to the Sound module.

std::string tournament ()
 Path to the Tournament module.

std::string match ()
 Path to the Match module.

std::string game ()
 Path to the Game module.

std::string hand ()
 Path to the Hand module.

std::list< PlayerInfoplayers ()
 Players information.

Protected Member Functions

void on_start_element (const std::string &name, const AttributeMap &attributes)

Detailed Description

Parse a configuration file in XML format.

Member Function Documentation

std::string dmn::ConfigFile::config  ) 

Path to the Config module.

the path to the module

std::string dmn::ConfigFile::core  ) 

Path to the Core module.

the path to the module

std::string dmn::ConfigFile::display  ) 

Path to the Display module.

the path to the module

std::string dmn::ConfigFile::game  ) 

Path to the Game module.

the path to the module

std::string dmn::ConfigFile::hand  ) 

Path to the Hand module.

the path to the module

std::string dmn::ConfigFile::match  ) 

Path to the Match module.

the path to the module

std::list<PlayerInfo> dmn::ConfigFile::players  ) 

Players information.

a list of PlayerInfo with all the players

std::string dmn::ConfigFile::sound  ) 

Path to the Sound module.

the path to the module

std::string dmn::ConfigFile::tournament  ) 

Path to the Tournament module.

the path to the module

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Generated on Fri Dec 26 22:54:06 2003 for dmn by doxygen 1.3.4